September 10, 2003

Members Present:  Richard Coogan (Chair), Lorren Hammond, Rose Hilbert, George Kennedy, Mark Ochs, Rodney Porter, David Tyler.  Also, Alex Rachun, Code Enforcement Officer; Eileen Jacobs, Planning Board Clerk; Tim Maguire, and members of the public.

Chair Coogan called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.

Site Plan Application for Route 96 Self-Storage

An application for site plan review from Maguire Family Limited Partnership was presented by Mr. Timothy J. Maguire.  The project calls for 86 mini-storage units to be built on less than 2 acres within a 10-acre parcel adjacent to the former Spike’s BBQ site at 1658 Trumansburg Road in the Town of Ulysses.  The proposed project consists of a 20-foot wide driveway on Route 96 set back approximately 200 feet to an area where two storage buildings are to be built, one 150 by 30 ft., and one 200 by 30 ft.  Mr. Maguire has selected a brown/slate gray color for the building with a dark green roof and door color that he felt would be aesthetically pleasing.

The only utility to be provided is security lighting from dusk to dawn to allow 24-hour access.  The proposed lighting for the buildings are 50-watt sodium fixtures directed down and outward.  There will be a total of 23 light fixtures at an 8-ft high level.  The project requires a permit that was filed with NYS Dept of Transportation for the driveway entrance on August 14, 2003.  One non-illuminated sign is planned.  No alarm system or landscaping is planned.  Mr. Maguire indicated that he may consider installation of fencing in the future.

Mr. Maguire indicated that he has no current plans for developing the rear portion of the lot which is mostly scrub and brush, but did not dismiss the possibility of future development.

There was discussion regarding zoning of the parcel.  Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun said that he believed the proposed use is not disallowed under the current zoning ordinance.  This project is on a parcel that is zoned commercial, by virtue of a subdivision, which borders a residential zone.  It was noted that the subdivision occurred in February of 2003.  Board members requested that Mr. Rachun verify the zoning for that area, and he agreed to discuss it with the Town Attorney.

Area residents who attended the meeting voiced concerns regarding the visibility of the buildings from the road and choice of colors for the units, but thought that the proposed color scheme would not be offensive to the neighboring area.  It was suggested that some landscaping in front of the buildings would also help with buffering the project from the nearby residences.  Concern was raised about the impact of the proposed lighting on the neighbors, and there was further discussion regarding amount of illumination, with a suggestion that a lower wattage bulb (35W) be used, as well as other mitigating measures.  There was some discussion regarding the direction of light.  It was suggested that the lighting be cast in a more downward manner so that the bulb itself is not visible, and the light is washing the building.  The possibility of using motion detection lighting was discussed, but it was generally thought that lights going on and off would be more distracting to neighbors than having the lighting constant.  There was also concerns raised about noise impact on the adjacent neighbors.

There was discussion regarding use of the storage units.  A concern was raised that the storage units could be used for activities other than storage (i.e. rock band practice, drop shipment business, etc.).  Mr. Maguire stated that it was not his intention for the units to be used for activities other than self-storage.

The Board requested that Mr. Maguire submit a lighting plan that incorporates some of the suggestions offered at this meeting.  They also asked that he provide landscaping plans for a vegetative buffer along the north edge of the property along the Oprey property line, and a planting of shrubs in front to act as a visual screen from Route 96.  In addition, the Board asked Mr. Maguire to furnish a draft of the lease/rental agreement for prospective tenants.

It was determined that this project is a Type 2 action under SEQR.  The Board reviewed the environmental assessment form that was prepared for the project. 

Mr. Tyler, seconded by Mr. Hammond, moved to schedule a public hearing for this project to take place on September 25th at 7:30 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously. The 9/25 meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. to review any additional materials submitted by Mr. Maguire for the project. 

Other Business

The Planning Board agreed to meet on September 18 at 7:00 p.m. to work on the Site Plan Review and Design Standards portions of the proposed zoning ordinance.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileen Jacobs
Planning Board Clerk